Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Entry Fees
One piece of writing will be selected for each piece of artwork, and then a broadside featuring both writing and art will be created. The collaboration will be offered, free, from our website and posted on streets, notice boards, and utility poles around the world in serendipitous locations.
This is a call by Broadsided Press ( for literary artists to engage in our current RESPONSES feature. We need your creative, aesthetic, engaged mind to contribute to an ekphrastic response to the lead-contaminated drinking water in Flint, Michigan.
In April 2014, Flint changed its water source to the Flint River. This water caused lead from aging pipes to leach into the water supply. Now 6,000 – 12,000 children, in addition to thousands of adults, have been exposed to drinking water with unsafe levels of lead. This crisis is being called a case of environmental racism because it disproportionately exposes ethnic minorities to pollution.
At Broadsided Press, we believe that art and literature belong in our daily lives. They inspire and demonstrate the vitality and depth of our connection with the world. To this end, we regularly offer (when world events demand) a RESPONSES feature.
Three Broadsided Press artists (Ira Joel Haber, Stacy Isenbarger, and Lisa Sette) have provided images they’ve created that, for them, speak to the lead-contaminated drinking water in Flint, Michigan.
We now ask writers to respond with words.
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