Saturday, April 30, 2022
Entry Fees
First Place: $3,000 + $0.10/word and publication with byline
2nd - 10th Place: $.10/word and publication with byline
11th - 35th Place: $20
Our Mission: Help new talent go pro, award life-changing prize money, and promote fiction writers worldwide.
How It Works: Each month we hold a contest based on a short fiction prompt. You write a wonderful story and enter the contest. We choose the winner who receives the grand prize. We also choose the best stories, pay the authors above-professional rates, and publish them in our magazine.
Who Can Enter: Anyone can submit work to the magazine for free, but you must be an Elegant+ Member to enter the contests and win prizes. Membership is $10/month.
What Are The Odds: The odds depend on the number of members who enter the contest, and the strength of their work. Don’t worry though, each month we increase the prize fund based on current membership, and will open more contest categories so the odds never get diluted. Also, as our mission is to promote aspiring writers, we ask professional writers not to enter.
Genre: We care about storycraft above all. The monthly prompt may affect what you write about, but feel free to genre bend. In fact, the best work often blurs the line.
How To Enter: Sign up for an Elegant+ Membership and visit the Members Area, or click “Submit Story” in the navigation bar. Fill out the form and copy/paste (preferred method) or upload a file containing your work.
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Contest Details: