Monday, January 4, 2016
Entry Fees
First Prize: $1000
Call to Quotes – Cash Awards – Juried Exhibit
Cash Award: $1,000
A critical part of the Embracing Our Differences exhibit is the impact of personal thoughts that accompany each work of art. These quotations provide members of our community a chance to voice their thoughts, feelings and ideas reflecting our theme of “enriching lives through diversity.” The combination of visual art and the written word adds a deeper dimension to the overall experience.
Please consider submitting an original quotation either ONLINE or by mail and know that you are helping to create a community that is safe and inclusive for all.
In 20 words or less, share your thoughts and become part of this enlightening project. Below are several ideas to help stimulate your thoughts about “enriching lives through diversity.”
What does embracing our differences mean to you?
What does diversity mean to you?
Have you ever been bullied? How did you feel?
Have you witnessed someone being bullied? How did you feel?
What are you looking for in a best friend?
What would a perfect world look like?
If possible, how would you change the world?
To view past winning quotations and art, please visit our GALLERIES.
Submit as many original quotations as you wish. There is no submission fee.
Teachers may complete submissions on behalf of their students and, at their option, substitute their personal or school contact information for that of their students.
Judging will take place in late February and those selected for inclusion in the exhibit will be notified by email and postal mail by mid-March. Due to the volume of submissions, only artists with entries selected for display will be notified individually. All winning entries will be posted on our website by late March. “LIKE” us on Facebook to find out earlier.
There is no submission fee nor limit on the number of entries. Submissions must be submitted online or postmarked no later than January 4, 2016.
Contact Information
Submit by Mail:
Submit Online: