Thursday, February 25, 2016
Entry Fees
Endever Publishing Studios is brand new, shiny and excited to read your work! We’re hosting our first ever writing contest, a 500-word max. open fiction contest–hit us with any genre, any style: Western, scifi, erotica, literary. Make us laugh, make us cry, make us question our life choices!
The judges will decide on three finalists. Those three finalists will have their short stories posted on Adopting James, visible and available to nearly 20,000 readers! They will also be posted on Endever’s blog (coming soon) for readers/friends/family members to vote on. Endever acquires first-digital rights.
The winner will be awarded $150, have his or her name, short story, blog and social media information posted for thousands of readers to view, as well as be given the opportunity to write a short story to be featured in one of Endever’s future publications!
You can enter here:
Contact Information