F-BOM Quarterly Flash Fiction Contest


Friday, December 15, 2017


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Entry Fees

No entry fee.


Winners will receive books by our author partners, F-BOM membership, publication on the F-BOM blog, and a special gift from the author partner, revealed each quarter.


Can’t get enough science fiction, fantasy, and feminism? F-BOM is excited to announce our new flash fiction contest!
Free to enter. Two submissions per person, each no more than 100 words long. Submissions will be guest-judged by F-BOM author partners. Winners will receive a combination of the prizes listed above, depending on whether they receive 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place. Honorable mentions published at F-BOM’s discretion. Contest topics will be released each quarter, after the reveal of the author partner.
Deadlines: March, June, September, and December 15th

Contact Information

[email protected]



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