Fabula Press Nivalis Short Story Contest 2017


Friday, March 31, 2017


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Entry Fees



First Prize: US$250
Second Prize: US$150
Third Prize: US$100

All longlisted entries (top 15-20) get published in an anthology, and non-prize winning published entries will be paid US$50 each. Also, at the sponsors' discretion additional prizes may be declared for ‘Editors’ Pick' category (in the last edition of the contest two such prizes of US$75 each were declared).


Fabula Press (www.fabulapress.com) is a small publishing house catering to the literary fiction market. Twice a year, we run international short story contests on the web, and publish the top entries in the form of an anthology (both in print and digital formats). We are currently seeking submissions for our winter short story contest styled as Nivalis 2017. There is no specific theme or genre, and we are happy to read historical fiction, mystery/suspense, and horror. However, for consistency of presentation we cannot accept children’s stories, young adult or chick lit; likewise hardcore science fiction or fantasy are not things we are looking for, but are open to science / alternative history/ fantasy based works if they have standalone literary merit. In case of doubt, it is best to query the editorial team.

Contact Information

[email protected]



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