Thursday, July 20, 2017
Fantasy, Plays, Science Fiction
Entry Fees
$10 per entry
1st place - $50 + membership to FenCon 2018. Winning story printed in FenCon IV program.
2nd and 3rd place - $25 + FenCon 2018 membership
FenCon and the Dallas Future Society are proud to present our annual short story contest. We’re looking for a science fiction or fantasy story on any topic. This contest is open to all amateur writers, defined as anyone who has not sold a work of fiction of any length to any professional publication before July 10, 2017 Entries must be science fiction or fantasy, less than 5,000 words long, and the original work of the person submitting them. No “fanfic” or shared-worlds fiction. See under Events for complete list of rules and guidelines, as well as the entry form.
Contact Information
Laurie Kyle, [email protected]