Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Entry Fees
The winner will receive 1.000€ in cash, amongst other awards:
Automatic selection to pitch live at the next Filmarket Hub TV Pitchbox in the UK.
The pilot will be directly sent to three leading TV executives, who will offer feedback to the writer.
Unlimited subscription to Filmarket Hub’s online marketplace, with your script featured in the Best Project Selections - the area of the marketplace with the most visibility.
A mail-out recommending the pilot to Filmarket Hub’s international database of TV executives.
Free Erich Pommer Institute online course to choose from; Storytelling for TV Drama (worth 350€) or Storytelling The Collaborative Model (worth 450€).
Free Movie Magic® Screenwriter worth $249.95.
Online platform Filmarket Hub has launched a new screenwriting competition focused on English language TV pilots. The goal of the competition is to find fresh voices writing for the screen and the next great drama pilot, connecting the writers to leading TV executives.
The jury of industry experts include Tara Cook (development producer at Carnival Films), Karol Griffiths (development consultant and script editor) and Sarah Williams (literary agent at Independent Talent Group).
All three finalists will have their scripts read by the competition’s partners; Gaumont Television, Neal Street Productions and Red Arrow Studios who will offer feedback. Additionally, all the selected scripts will be awarded with exclusive benefits from the Filmarket Hub online marketplace, an Erich Pommer Institute online TV writing course and the software Movie Magic Screenwriter.