Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Entry Fees
$50, $25, Online publication, permanent Winners Page, possible inclusion in Kindle book
FLEUR – a new Flash Fiction contest for 2020! writing contests have become very popular since we launched our first contest in January of 2019. We’ve listened carefully to our writers to provide the very best environment for your voice to be heard and celebrated.
Our new Fleur contests will continue all year long, and will each feature a flower picture and haiku prompt. Each haiku was written by one of our talented members, and each is full of beauty and inspiration. We’ll start the year with a wonderful winter flower, the early-blooming crocus.
Dr. David A. Ross, Oxford scholar and Professor of Comparative Literature, will select the Grand Prize Winner. There will also be a public voting component, so there are two paths to winning!
All shortlisted stories will be published on line, and will be eligible for inclusion in our series of Kindle books. Top winners get their own permanent Winners Page, which features all their winning stories, past, present and future.