Flying South 2017


Wednesday, May 31, 2017


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Entry Fees

Entry fee is $15 ($10 for members of Winston-Salem Writers). Multiple entries will be accepted, each accompanied by a reading fee. Work may be withdrawn from the contest at any time prior to the announcement of the winners, but reading fees will not be refunded.


Awards include $2000 in prizes plus publication - distributed as follows:
All works accepted for publication will receive 1 copy of Flying South 2017.
The three Best in Category winners will be chosen from works accepted for publication in Flying South 2017 and will receive $500 each.
The President's Favorite winner will be chosen from the three Best in Category winners and will receive an additional $500 for a total of $1000.


All entries and payments must be received between March 1 and May 31, 2017. The editors reserve the right to extend the deadline if necessary. Submit your entries and fees to In the cover sheet section for each entry, include your name, address, telephone, & email address. Also indicate the category to which you’re submitting, word count and the title of the entry.

Contact Information

Email: [email protected]



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