Freddie Award for Writing Excellence


Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Entry Fees

$20 for Florida Chapter Mystery Writers of America members, $25 for other MWA members, $30 for non-members


Top 5 finalists in each of two categories will be read and ranked by an acquiring agent or editor. First place in each category receives a plaque, finalists receive a certificate, and all winners/finalists will be listed on FMWA website and social media.


The Florida Chapter of Mystery Writers of America (FMWA) is proud to announce its first Freddie Award for Writing Excellence. Designed to recognize outstanding unpublished mystery writers and novels, Freddies will be awarded to winning contestants in two categories, HARDBOILED and TRADITIONAL. You need not be a member of FMWA or Mystery Writers of America to enter. You may enter either or both categories; however, you may submit only one entry per category, and each category submission must be a different manuscript.

Submissions will be submitted electronically and will consist of the first 20 pages of an unpublished mystery manuscript. All entries will be anonymous and will be judged by published authors using score sheets which will be returned (along with optional comments at the discretion of the judges). The five top scoring entries in each category will move to the final round and be read by an acquiring editor or agent who will determine the category winners. Freddie winners will be announced at Sleuthfest 2015, held February 26-March 1, in Deerfield Beach, FL,

Contact Information

Contest details, including entry forms and rules, are available on the FMWA website on our contest page:



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