Sunday, March 8, 2015
Drama, Fiction, General, Horror, Mystery, Nonfiction, Poetry, Romance, Science Fiction, Young Adult
Entry Fees
It costs just £5 per entry (free for children)
Shortlisted entries will be published in the Fresher Writing Anthology 2015. The prizes are designed to help new writers get their work more widely recognized and include:
A one-to-one with a top literary agent
Personal advice on taking your own book to market
A professional podcast and a rehearsed reading of your script.
Plus a free theatre pass; book vouchers and more!
The shortlisted writers will be special guests at the Fresher Writing Awards, held in Bournemouth at the end of May.
We are delighted to launch The Fresher Writing Prize 2015, the annual award established by Fresher Publishing to encourage and support new writers.
There are various categories to enter, from the short story to poetry and scriptwriting to creative non-fiction, and our prizes have been carefully selected to help new writers get their foot onto the ladder and launch their writing careers.
To keep the process simple, you can enter online by simply cutting and pasting your work.
Every entry will be carefully assessed by the judging panel, and the final decisions will be made by influential figures from the publishing world, including Gemma Rostill from Penguin, literary agent Madeleine Milburn, author Claire Fuller and publishing consultant Ed Peppit.
The final shortlist will see their entries published in the Fresher Writing 2015 anthology, and will be special guests at the book’s launch and Fresher Writing Awards, held in Bournemouth at the end of May.
We look forward to seeing your entries!
Contact Information
Emma Scattergood
Senior Lecturer, BA English, BA Communication & Media, and BA Multimedia Journalism
Editorial Director, Fresher Publishing