Thursday, January 5, 2017
Children’s, Crime/Thriller, Drama, Fantasy, Fiction, General, Horror, Mystery, Nonfiction, Poetry, Romance, Science Fiction, Young Adult
Entry Fees
Short Story: Feedback and advice on a sample of your work (short story or novel) from Francesca Main, Editorial director at Picador.
First 500 words of a novel: A one to one with literary agent Madeleine Milburn on how to best present yourself to an agent and gain representation.
Creative Non-fiction: A one to one with publishing expert Ed Peppitt of Balloon Publishing and on how you can take your book to market independently.
Poetry and Flash Fiction: A professionally produced pod-cast of your work. A wonderful way of promoting your writing, the narration of your work can be shared via your website, or just with family and friends. You will be invited to Bournemouth University radio studios to record your readings (or someone else can read your work on your behalf, if you prefer).
Every year, Fresher Publishing hosts writing competitions for various categories and offers prizes that help new writers put their foot onto the ladder and launch their writing careers. We’re based at Bournemouth University in Dorset, UK.
Contact Information
Entering the competition is done online on: