Crime/Thriller, Fantasy, Fiction, General, Horror, Mystery, Nonfiction, Poetry, Science Fiction
Entry Fees
Short Story Contest: $15.00 USD entry fee for each submission
Poetry Contest: $8.00 USD per entry, or three entries for $12.00
Flash Fiction Contest: $8.00 USD per entry, or three entries for $12.00
Creative Nonfiction Contest: $10.00 USD entry fee for each submission
Short fiction: first place prize of $1,000.00
Flash fiction: first place prize of $300.00
Creative nonfiction: first place prize of $500.00
And poetry with a prize of $300.00.
Each winner of the submission categories, along with the five top finalists, will be considered for publication in F(r)iction.
F(r)iction is accepting previously unpublished works of short fiction, flash fiction, and poetry. We accept submissions from writers located anywhere in the world, as long as the work is in English.
F(r)iction’s editorial staff is dedicated to publishing the best writing of all kinds, and we encourage submissions that push boundaries and take risks in genre, plot, and style.
Contact Information
Anyone may get in touch with our Managing Editor through our nonprofit publisher’s contact form at They can expect a response within one week.