Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Drama, Essay, Fantasy, Fiction, General, Horror, Nonfiction, Poetry, Science Fiction
Entry Fees
$8-15 entry fee.
$1,600 in prizes. Short story winner: $1,000. Poetry winner: $300. Flash fiction winner: $300.
F(r)iction is accepting previously unpublished works of short fiction, flash fiction, and poetry. We accept submissions from writers located anywhere in the world, as long as the work is in English. Our editorial staff favors stories that celebrate the weird, take risks, and are driven by a strong, unique voice.
1st prize receives cash prize and publication as the featured short story in F(r)iction, our triannual print collection. Finalists will be considered for subsequent F(r)iction publications as well as for our online literary journal, F(r)iction Log. Each finalist will also receive free professional edits on their submission.