The Galtellì Literary Prize


Saturday, June 20, 2015



1st place wins 1,000 Euro, travel to and accommodation in Sardinia and publication;
2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th places win travel to and accommodation in Sardinia and publication.


The village of Galtellì, Sardinia, is launching an international prose contest dedicated to the great Sardinian writer Grazia Deledda, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1926, who set her masterpiece Canne al Vento, or Reeds in the Wind, right in Galtellì.

The top five selected writers will be invited to Sardinia for workshops and lectures from 19 to 24 October 2015. The final winner will be announced during that week. Galtellì intends to publish a collection of the best pieces (the final structure of the book will depend on the writings received). Moreover, Galtellì plans to establish an ongoing ‘Autumn Appointment’ with writing retreats, conferences and an award ceremony, of which the planned week in October 2015 will be the first.

The deadline for submissions is 20 June 2015.
The short list will be officially announced in August 2015.

One unpublished submission per writer. The applicants must write a cover letter explaining why they believe their piece dovetails with Grazia Deledda’s work.
Maximum number of words per piece: 5,000
Genre: Fiction
Language: English (works written in other languages but translated into English will also be considered), Italian and Sardinian

Contact Information

Or write to [email protected]



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