GCWA Writing Contest


Tuesday, January 31, 2023


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Entry Fees

Non-GCWA Members: $20 for first entry; $10 for each additional entry
GCWA Members: $10 for first entry; $5 for each additional entry


(Per category): 1st Place: $100 - 2nd Place: $50 - 3rd Place: $25


Gulf Coast Writers Association (“GCWA”), which is a non-profit writers organization located in southwest Florida, sponsors this contest annually. It is open to anyone 18 years of age or older. Four categories include Fiction, Nonfiction, Children’s Stories and Poetry. 1st, 2nd and 3rd places are awarded cash prizes plus publication on the GCWA website and the possibility of publication in other local magazines or periodicals (digitally and/or hard copy). Electronic submissions in Word format only. See website for further details.

Contact Information

[email protected]



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