Sunday, March 1, 2015
Entry Fees
$500 and publication
The Ginosko Flash Fiction Award is for an unpublished work of flash fiction. Awarded piece is selected through a submission process open to all writers. Submit up to 2 pieces, 800 words maximum each piece.
Final Judges: Maggie Heaps, Michael Hettich, Gary Lundy, E M Schorb, Larissa Shmailo, Andrena Zawinski, Andrei Guruianu, Robert Paul Cesaretti.
Awarded work will be published in Ginosko Literary Journal,
Please submit work, along with a brief bio, and cover letter if desired, to [email protected]. Attachments must be in .wps, .doc, .rtf, or .pdf form, otherwise they will not be considered (please include last name on every page submitted).
Contact Information
Ginosko Literary Journal
P.O. Box 246
Fairfax, CA 94978
[email protected]