Saturday, February 29, 2020
Crime/Thriller, Drama, Fantasy, Fiction, General, Horror, Mystery, Romance, Science Fiction, Young Adult
Entry Fees
First place top prize of $900 plus:
►Placement on winners page.
►Announcement of award throughout all Volo Press social media platforms.
►Dedicated blog post review of the book.
►Dedicated video review of the book.
►Dedicated article in the Writerwerx newsletter about the book.
►$500 off of premium publishing package (good for 1 year).
►$50 Pleascentries gift box.
►Free quarter-page ad in Writerwerx Day event program.
►Physical certificate of award.
Second place top prize of $500 plus:
►Announcement of award throughout all Volo Press social media platforms.
►Honorable mention in Writerwerx newsletter.
►$100 off of premium publishing package (good for 1 year).
►Free color business card ad in Writerwerx Day event program.
Submit an entry that includes only the ISBN of your published book and the first 5,000 words of the book. Judges are looking to be gripped in some manner (frightened, aroused, shocked, heartbroken, etc.) within those first few thousand words.
Contact Information
977 Montreal Road, Unit 1243, Clarkston, Georgia 30021