#Guns And People Essay Contest


Monday, April 30, 2018


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Entry Fees



$350 in prizes and all submissions considered for publication


Deadline: April 30th, 2018
Theme: Guns.
Now accepting submissions of 3,000 words or less. Have you experienced first hand the effects of guns? Were you shot or have you witness a shooting? Has a gun saved your life? Whether you or someone you know has had a positive or negative experience with guns, we want to hear your story about how a gun (or guns) impacted your life. $350 in prizes and all submissions considered for publication. $12 reading fee. Open to all writers. Emerging writers and underrepresented voices are encouraged to submit! Complete guidelines at www.MemoirMag.com/guns-people-essay-contest/

Contact Information

Complete guidelines at www.MemoirMag.com/guns-people-essay-contest/



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