The Hal Prize


Friday, June 27, 2014


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Entry Fees

$3 for submission


The Hal Prize offers publication in the Peninsula Pulse’s annual Literary Issue, with a readership of 17,000. Cash awards of up to $150, a week stay at Write On, Door County (a literary retreat located in the heart of the Door Peninsula), a class at Peninsula School of Art (a nationally recognized year-round destination for artists and art appreciators), and other prizes will be awarded.


The Peninsula Pulse, a news, art and entertainment publication based in Door County, WI, proudly presents the 2014 Hal Prize.
The Hal Prize is open to writers of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and to photographers throughout the United States. Judges for each category include prestigious and professional authors and photographers including authors Heid Erdrich, Michael Perry and Lesley Kagen and photographers Len Villano and Kelly Avenson.

Contact Information

[email protected]



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