
Thursday, April 30, 2020


Entry Fees





Though many writers have helped to shape the history of flash fiction, Ernest Hemingway’s first short-story collection, In Our Time, easily makes him one of the form’s primary pioneers. For this reason, Fiction Southeast has chosen to honor his accomplishments through the Ernest Hemingway Flash Fiction Prize. Each year, a participating judge will select a winner (and three runners-up).

Contest Guidelines:

Entries for the Ernest Hemingway Flash Fiction Prize should be approximately 1500 words or less. Submissions should be unpublished and in .rtf, .doc, or .pdf format. Feel free to submit multiple stories, but please DO NOT submit multiple Word documents as one submission or one text document containing multiple stories. Instead, please submit each story as a SEPARATE entry (so that you complete an individual submission process for each story). Simultaneous submissions ARE welcome. Deadline: March 31st. Entry fee: $10. All entries will be considered for publication in Fiction Southeast. Click here to submit your entry.

Winner – $200 and publication in Fiction Southeast
Finalists – publication in Fiction Southeast

Contact Information

[email protected]



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