Hourglass Literary Magazine (Deadline Extended)


Wednesday, May 31, 2017


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Entry Fees

Submission fee: $15.00, except for POETRY where up to 3 submissions are accepted for $15.00.
ENTRY FEE for submitting up to three pieces - $25, except for POETRY category where up to three submissions are accepted for $15.


1. The Winning Entry in each category (short story, essay and poem) will receive US$1000 as prize money, apart from a symbolic artifact (clepsydra), digital stamp and diploma. Authors of winning entries will receive printed copy of the Hourglass Literary Magazine No. 2.

2. The jury has the right to give a special prize (US$ 500 for entry in each category).

3. Special prize of the Literature and Latte – Scrivener Award – consisting of the one licensed software solutions “Scrivener” and US$250.

4. Special prize of The Literary Encyclopedia – an online reference work for English-language readers interested in broad literary and cultural matters – consisting of one 2-year subscriptions and one 1-year subscriptions to LE for shortlisted authors.

5. Editorial staff and board members will take under consideration shortlisted works (not awarded a prize) for publication in the second issue of the Hourglass Literary Magazine. The selected works will be FINANCIALLY compensated.


Detailed instructions for submissions:

SHORT STORY should not exceed 7000 words or be less than 700 words. Entry fee: $15 USD ($25 for submitting up to three pieces).
POEMS should not have more than 3500 words. WRITERS CAN SUBMIT UP TO THREE POEMS/SONGS.

Essays should not exceed 9000 words or be less than 1000 words. Entry fee: $15 ($25 for submitting up to three papers).

We only accept submissions online via Submittable – http://hourglass.submittable.com .

An Important Notice – The Deadline Postponed
The reason for this is that the low number of submissions in English language, compared with the nearly 2000 submissions in the BCMS languages, along with the absence of submitted entries in BEST ESSAY category, would make evaluating and judging process biased and unfair against authors writing in English. Therefore, submissions from authors writing in BCMS languages are no longer accepted.

Contact Information

E-mail - [email protected] or [email protected] .
Facebook - www.facebook.com/hourglassliterarymagazine
Twitter - www.twitter.com/hourglasslm
LinkedIn - http://linkedin.com/company/hourglass-literary-magazine/
Connect with us: http://hourglassonline.org/about/



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