Sunday, August 31, 2014
Entry Fees
£5 for each short story entry and £3 for each flash fiction and poetry entry. Entries are made through the website at where more information, competition rules and guidelines can be found.
There are three prizes in each category of £150 (short story), £75 (flash fiction) and £75 (poetry). Each category winner will receive a copy of the final anthology and an interview to help promote them and their work. Second and third prize winners in each category will each get a copy of the anthology to add to their collection and with an author interview.
The top ten stories in each category will also be incorporated into the third anthology, Hysteria 3, which is due for release on December 1.
The 3rd Hysteria Writing Competition for women opens to entries on April 1 and will close on August 31.
The Hysteria Writing Competition is organized by The Hysterectomy Association for women only. This year we have three different competitions: short stories of up to 2,000 words, flash fiction of up to 200 words and poetry of up to 20 lines. As usual we are looking for entries that are inspiring and relevant to women.
Contact Information
More information can be obtained on the website at or by emailing [email protected].