Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Drama, Fiction, General, Horror, Mystery, Nonfiction, Romance, Science Fiction, Young Adult
Entry Fees
March 1 - May 31 only $35
Late entry June 1-30 $40
Every entry receives scoresheets and feedback from four different judges.
Top manuscripts move on to the agent round to be read by literary agents who also give feedback.
5K in cash, prizes and services
Top 10 manuscripts in each category will be listed on the website with links to the book's sales page.
Ink and Insights writing contests focus on the feedback so that writers of any level can improve their work. We request the first 10,000 words of the manuscript for four judges with experience in that genre to read, score and comment on. The scoresheet is an extremely detailed six-page report on the different aspects of your novel.
This year we are also accepting nonfiction for the first time!
The contest is broken up into three categories: Apprentice, Master and Nonfiction. The Nonfiction and Master categories also include an agent round.
Contact Information
See testimonials, contest FAQ, submission guidelines, prize details and meet the judges: