Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Entry Fees
Entry Fee: $15, which includes a one-year (two-issue) subscription to Jabberwock Review. (If you enter more than once, your subscription will be extended—or else note in the comments section where you would like your additional subscription sent as a gift.)
One winner in fiction and one in poetry each receive $500 and publication in Jabberwock Review.
Each fiction entry should consist of a single short story of any length—though please keep in mind that our entire journal runs 90-100 pages. (Novel excerpts may be submitted if they are self-contained.)
Each poetry entry should consist of 1-3 poems. The winning entry may be for a single poem or group of poems.
All finalists are considered for publication.
All entrants receive a one-year (two-issue) subscription beginning with the prize-winning issue.
• All manuscripts must be original and previously unpublished.
• Simultaneous submissions are welcome; if your work is accepted elsewhere, please withdraw it through the submissions manager.
• Current students or staff of Mississippi State University and previous winners of the prize are ineligible for the Editors’ Prize, though finalists are eligible.
Contact Information
Questions? Please drop us a line at [email protected].