Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Entry Fees
No entry fee
The winner will receive a prize of $300 and will be featured in the January 2017 edition of Hermeneutic Chaos. The winner will also receive a certificate, a one year subscription to Duotrope, 10 broadsides of the winning poem, and three chapbooks from our press catalog. Publication will also be awarded to the two finalists, along with certificates. We will also select up to seven honorable mentions who will be offered publication. In addition, all the entries will be considered for publication in the forthcoming issues of the journal.
Vees, I am pleased to announce Hermeneutic Chaos’ third annual Jane Lumley Prize for Poetry!
The deadline is November 1, and there is no entry fee.
The Jane Lumley Prize will be awarded to poets who have not published more than one full length collection, and/or have only published chapbooks, and/or have published work in literary magazines. We also strongly encourage unpublished writers to submit their work for consideration.
Our past winners and finalists include Katherine Barron, Chris Gaffney, Jennifer Givhan, Julia Kolchinsky Dasbach, Anna Meister and Flower Conroy. To submit, please visit
Contact Information
Shinjini Bhattacharjee
[email protected]