Fantasy, Fiction, General, Mystery, Poetry, Science Fiction, Young Adult
Entry Fees
$4.00 per entry
Adult Division: $250 best poem, $250 best prose Youth Division: $100 best poem, $100 best prose
$50 each adult prose category winner in Science Fiction/Fantasy; Mystery; Creative Non-Fiction, Short Story Fiction; and Young Adult.
Unpublished adult poetry in either traditional or free verse.
Unpublished adult prose in creative non-fiction, young adult, short story fiction, science fiction/fantasy, or mystery. Limit one entry per genre in each prose category.
Simultaneous submissions are acceptable. Writers must notify us immediately if an entry has been accepted elsewhere. Any single entry must be no longer than 4,500 words.
DEADLINE: Postmarked by March 8, 2019
ELIGIBILITY: Entrants must live in Kansas. Writers competing in the Youth Division must be currently enrolled in high school or under the age of 18.
MANUSCRIPTS WILL NOT BE RETURNED. DO NOT SEND YOUR ONLY COPY. Type entries on one side only of 8 1/2 x 11 inch white paper (12 pt or larger). Poems may be single spaced, but prose must be double-spaced and a word limit of 4,500. A copy of the completed entry form must accompany the entries. Titles of all works entered must be listed on the entry form. THE WRITER’S NAME MUST NOT APPEAR ON THE MANUSCRIPTS. $4 for each poem or prose submission. Authors may enter as many times as they wish. A $25 fee will be charged for all checks returned NSF.
Contact Information
Winfield Arts & Humanities Council
700 Gary St., Suites A & B
Winfield, KS 67156
[email protected]