The Killer Nashville Claymore Award


Saturday, April 1, 2017


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Entry Fees

Entry fee is $40 per entry.

The contest is limited to only the first 50 pages of unpublished English-language manuscripts containing elements of thriller, mystery, crime, or suspense NOT currently under contract.


Probably a traditional publishing contract with a Mystery Writers of America and/or International Thriller Writers’ approved publisher. But there’s more…

The Top 10 are invited free of admission charge to that year’s Killer Nashville where the winners will be announced and introductions will be made to agents and/or editors to kick-start their publishing careers. Critiques of work will be given. Breakouts will be attended. Pitching sessions will be set up. The Top 10 who are already registered as KN attendees will be refunded their registration fees for that year. Top 10 Finalists do not have to be present to win, but will miss out on all networking opportunities.

Any manuscripts considered of exceptional merit above the Top 10 will also be forwarded to agents and/or editors
We assist all Finalists in getting an agent to best represent their interests and become lifetime mentors to those writers. Winnings are not transferable and must be redeemed in the year they are won. All entries remain eligible as long as they were not under contract at the time of submission.


Every year, the Killer Nashville Claymore Award assists new and rebranding English-language fiction authors get published, including possible agent representation, book advances, editor deals, and movie and television sales. Over $3,000 worth of prizes are given away each year, but to us, the publishing and movie deals—and the careers they build—are the end game.

Contact Information

[email protected]


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