Monday, April 30, 2018
Children’s, Crime/Thriller, Essay, Fantasy, Fiction, General, Mystery, Nonfiction, Personal Journals, Plays, Romance, Science Fiction, Young Adult
Entry Fees
$20 for the judged contest; free for the Readers' Choice Awards
Judged contest: 1st Place (Overall) - $500 (American dollars), The Your Laugh Line Winner Trophy, Your Laugh Line Humorous Book Award Winner digital seal, $200 worth of advertising on Your Laugh Line. Honorable mentions will be made for specific genres.
The Readers' Choice Awards: $250 (American dollars), Your Laugh Line Humorous Book Award Readers’ Choice digital seal, $200 worth of advertising on Your Laugh Line
Your Laugh Line wants to save the world with laughter. The organization does it through books, by finding an assortment of humorous works each week to promote to their newsletter and social media subscribers. Now they are hosting their inaugural Humorous Book Awards: a search for the funniest books published in 2017.
The contest has two components. One is a Readers’ Choice Award; readers can nominate and vote on their favorite humorous book from 2017 The other is an adjudicated contest for books submitted by authors where a panel of 50 expert book reviewers will rate and choose the winner.
Reader’s Choice nominations begin February 2 and end on August 15, 2018. The judged contest opens for submissions on February 1 and closes on April 30, 2018. Books making it past the first round will be announced on July 1, second round list on August 1, and the final winner on September 1. Honorable mentions will be made for category-specific books.