Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Essay, Fiction, General, Journalism, Mystery, Nonfiction, Plays, Poetry, Science Fiction, Screenwriting
Entry Fees
$200 + Publication in "AZURE: A Journal of Literary Thought"
Fiction, non-fiction, poetry, essays, philosophical ruminations, stageplays, fragments, chapters, and excerpts are all acceptable. We are not concerned with genre distinctions—send us the best you have; we want only for it to be thoughtful, intelligent, and beautiful. All writers tend to develop a scrap heap of brilliant writing – sharp dialogue that has been cut in service of a plot, a philosophical tirade that can’t quite be couched in a narrative, a stunning imagistic landscape of linguistic pyrotechnics that deserves an audience… Literary beauty exists in more than the conventional narrative, we believe, and the most cerebral moments cannot necessarily be expressed in more than bursts and fragments. We would love to provide a space for those portions of works that have been cut away through no fault of their own.
Both previously published and unpublished works are eligible, provided that potential publication on the Lazuli Literary Group website does not infringe on previously held rights.
Contact Information
Submit here through Submittable:
Peruse our contest page here: