Saturday, March 31, 2018
Entry Fees
The entry fee for each manuscript is $8. Each manuscript must be submitted separately. You will be automatically routed to PayPal when you have filled in the Submission form and press “Submit”.
1st place: $100.00 + Free LCRW one year membership + Anthology
2nd place: $50.00 + Free LCRW one year membership + Anthology
3rd place: Free LCRW one year membership + Anthology
The top 20 to 25 stories will be collected in an Anthology to be published in major electronic formats.
Lilac City Rochester Writers is excited to announce our 2018 Short Story Contest and Anthology. Do you have a short story of 500 to 2500 words? This is the place to submit it. All genre of fiction accepted. but only fiction. The top stories will win a cash prize and up to the best 25 will be published in an anthology. Come for the cash prize, stay to get your story published. The contest is open to everyone eighteen or older.
All entries are to have a word count of 500 – 2,500. No entries will be accepted for: Poetry, Pornography, Picture Books, or stories with the focus on Religion or Politics.
Contact Information
Jean Verno
Lilac City Rochester Writers