Lucille’s Legacy Publishing’s 2014 Storytelling Competition


Tuesday, September 30, 2014


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Entry Fees

$20 entry fee $10 Early Bird entry fee if submitted by June 23, 2014 Multiple entries accepted


1st PRIZE: $1000 2nd PRIZE: $750 3rd PRIZE: $500 All 3 top prize winners & up to 100 HONORABLE MENTIONS will have their stories published in a book to be distributed nationally.


Stories should be unpublished, true, or written as though they were true. We are looking for inspiring, motivational or humorous tales about such subjects as overcoming adversity, an extraordinary act of kindness, about defeating odds, etc. Basically anything that touches our hearts and evokes strong, positive emotion.

We are looking for a range of stories from all walks of life. We seek an authentic, unique voice, and a compelling story. Entries may be religious or secular in nature, about any family-friendly subject.

Contact Information

Email Jennifer @ [email protected] Jennifer KellyWatt Publisher 929 500 1260



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