Saturday, June 30, 2018
Entry Fees
$12 (USD) Reading Fee
1st Prize: $250 (USD)
2nd Prize: $150 (USD)
3rd Prize: $100 (USD)
Deadline: June 30, 2018. Now accepting nonfiction submissions of 3,000 words or less on the theme of Recovery.
All kinds of addiction and trauma require recovery. For example, one might seek assistance to recover from alcohol, sex addiction or PTSD.
Tell us your healing story.
$250 1st prize, $150 2nd Prize $100 3rd Prize and all submissions considered for publication. $12 reading fee. Open to all writers. Emerging writers and underrepresented voices are encouraged to submit!
Submissions are now open until midnight on June 30, 2018
100 word min. 3000 word max
NonFiction only.
Open to all writers. Emerging writers and underrepresented voices are encouraged to submit!
$12 to enter
Previously published work is welcome!
One story per submission
Multiple and simultaneous submissions are allowed, but please notify us if your story is accepted elsewhere
International submissions welcome
All contest entries are automatically submitted for standard nonfiction publication with editors of Memoir Magazine