Sunday, January 31, 2021
Entry Fees
£4.00 for non-members
£2.00 for Mighty Pens Members
Four winners will receive a M&S Gift card along with publication in the Mighty Pens Members' Magazine
What does winter mean to you? Does it conjure up the roar of the fire and the cosiness of this beautiful season? Or do you long for the spring to show its face again? It is Mighty Pen’s privilege to introduce our first ever short story competition with the theme ‘Winter’ to be interpreted in any way you like. The team here and fellow members will be keen to read your work and if our judges really like it then you will be a Mighty Pens Award Winner!
You will not only receive a Mighty Pens Certificate of Honour but you will also receive a £50 shopping gift card from M&S. In addition you will be honoured on our web pages and have your work published in the next Mighty Pens magazine.
In this new and exciting competition we encourage everyone to showcase their writing talent. There will be two winners from the over-18s sector and two from the under-18s.
The deadline for entries is January 31st and the four winners will be notified by February 28th. So why not enter Mighty Pens Tears In Winter short story competition now? However you feel about winter, Mighty Pens would love to read it.