Sunday, March 1, 2020
Children’s, Crime/Thriller, Drama, Essay, Fantasy, Fiction, General, Horror, Journalism, Mystery, Nonfiction, Personal Journals, Plays, Poetry, Romance, Science Fiction, Screenwriting, Young Adult
Entry Fees
One free Gotham Writers class of winner's choosing.
The year 2020 reminds us of the phrase: Hindsight is 20/20. So we invite you to look back on your life and tell us about something that, in hindsight, you would have done differently.
Your story may involve something tragic or trivial, serious or silly. Any kind of mistake is welcome. (These things aren’t always “mistakes,” per se, so we’re using the word broadly.)
The phrase “mistakes were made” is a devious use of the passive voice to deflect blame off the person making the statement, who is probably the maker of the mistakes. President Ulysses S. Grant used the phrase in 1876 in an address to Congress, and it’s been a classic fallback for politicians ever since.
But you too have made mistakes and we want to hear about one of them—in 20 words or fewer.
Contact Information
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Questions go to [email protected]