Friday, November 1, 2013
Entry Fees
There is a $20 reading fee (or send a reading fee of $25 to include a 4-issue subscription to Creative Nonfiction—U.S. submitters only); multiple entries are welcome ($20/essay) as are entries from outside the United States (though due to shipping costs we cannot offer the subscription deal).
$1000 for Best Essay & $500 for runner-up.
For an upcoming issue, Creative Nonfiction is seeking new essays about mistakes—major or minor, tragic or serendipitous, funny or painful. Looking for stories about poor decisions, missteps, or miscalculations. Wants to read about embarrassing boo-boos, dangerous misjudgments, or fortuitous faux pas in well-crafted stories that explore the nature and outcomes of human fallibility.
Essays must be vivid and dramatic; they should combine a strong and compelling narrative with an informative or reflective element and reach beyond a strictly personal experience for some universal or deeper meaning. Looking for well-written prose, rich with detail and a distinctive voice. All essays must tell true stories and be factually accurate. You may submit essays online or by regular mail.
Contact Information
Creative Nonfiction
Attn: Mistakes
5501 Walnut Street, Suite 202
Pittsburgh, PA 15232