Montana Strong Writing Contest


Monday, June 30, 2014



Entry Fees

Fee: $20 – Romance Writers of America members, $25 – non-Romance Writers of America members


Best of the Best: To be determined by bookseller/librarian and one editor, this winner is chosen as a favorite and given $100 and certificate.
All first place finalists receive $10 and a certificate.
All second place finalists receive a certificate.
All third place finalists receive a certificate.


Give us your character or characters at their moment of greatest challenge, and show us why they deserve the honorary title of “Montana Strong.” Enter a setup paragraph of up to 250 words to introduce the judges to the characters, the situation and the stakes. Also enter the greatest challenge scene of up to 3,000 words of your finished, polished and unpublished manuscript that’s projected word count is 50,000 or greater.

Categories (Romance Genres and Sub-Genres):
Contemporary Series & Single Title
Romantic Suspense
Young Adult
New Adult

All entrants must not have published a novel in the last five years. OR if entrant is self-published, must not be PAN eligible—cannot make $5,000 a year.

Contact Information

Montana Strong Contest Committee (check website first for contest details):
[email protected]



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