Sunday, November 1, 2015
Entry Fees
Top 3 entries will receive $100 and publication in Nat. Brut
We are excited to announce that Amy Hempel will serve as judge for our second ever Flash Fiction Contest!
Each submitter is allowed up to two entries for a $15 entry fee. 100% of the money raised through the contest will go directly into the magazine and its projects.
The top three entries will receive a $100 cash prize and publication in Nat. Brut.
The contest opens September 1 and closes November 1.
There is no theme to this contest.
There is no minimum word count, but the maximum word count is 1000.
Submit up to two pieces of short prose in a single .doc, .docx, or .pdf file.
Nat. Brut will only consider previously unpublished work.
The contest will be judged blindly, so please do not include your cover letter or contact information in the uploaded document. This information should only be included in the submissions manager comments field.
Amy Hempel is the author of four collections of short stories including Reasons to Live (1985), At the Gates of the Animal Kingdom (1990), Tumble Home (1997) and the Dog of the Marriage (2005). She is the recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship, the PEN/Malamud Award and the Rea Award for the Short Story.