National Federation of the Blind Annual Writing Contest


Monday, April 30, 2018



Entry Fees

$15 for members of the National Federation of the Blind Writer's Division; $20 for non-members.


$75 first prize
$50 Second Prize
$25 Third Prize
Honorable Mentions


The National Federation of the Blind writer’s Contest has two categories. Fiction and poetry..

Contact Information

For the fiction contest, stories can be mainstream or of any genre. The maximum word length is 3,000. For poetry, the poem may be of any length. An entry fee of $20 ($15 for members of the National Federation of the Blind writer's division covers up to three poems provided the combined line length is less than or equal 108 lines.. Submissions should be sent to Myrna Badgerow at [email protected] . Submissions must be in standard format (Word or Rich Text), 14-point type. Submissions should be in a standard font, (for instance Aerial).

Payment may ether be made via PayPal at or be check (with name of story in the memo line, to Shawn Jacobson, 19541 Olney Mill Rd., Olney, MD 20832



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