Thursday, August 31, 2017
Crime/Thriller, Drama, Fantasy, Fiction, General, Horror, Mystery, Romance, Science Fiction
Entry Fees
$1500 and publication in The New Guard literary review, plus two copies of the review
MACHIGONNE FICTION CONTEST: $1,500 and publication for an exceptional work of fiction in any genre. Submit up to 5,000 words: anything from flash to the long story. TNG Vol VII Judge: CHRIS ABANI.
Please submit a word document or PDF. International entries are welcome. Simultaneous submissions are accepted, provided we’re notified upon publication elsewhere. Entrants have no submission entry limit. Each submission is carefully considered for publication. Please include your name on the first page of your contest entry. We will remove your name in the final stages of judging. Final judging is done blind, by that volume’s appointed judges.
We do pay strict attention to word count. Please submit previously unpublished work only. Any size print run or online publication (including blogs and/or social networking or video readings) disqualify an entry. Please note that we do not publish illustrations. We no longer accept entries via postal mail.
Finalists and semi-finalists receive one free copy of The New Guard; winners receive two copies. Winners and selected finalists and semi-finalists will be published in our print publication. TNG is not published online.
TNG retains standard first publication rights; all rights immediately revert to the writer upon publication. Writers must be at least eighteen years of age to enter.
Contact Information
The New Guard
PO Box 5101
Hanover, NH 03753