Saturday, February 28, 2015
Entry Fees
USD 10
First Prize: US$150, publication and 2 copies of the anthology
Second Prize: US$100, publication and 2 copies of the anthology
Third Prize: US$100 and publication in the contest anthology
“Nivalis”, the theme of the contest, represents the winter season. Interpretation of the theme is left to the writer’s fancy – the story may have winter as the backdrop, or may convey a sense of chill. It may be a gloomy tale up in the north, or a pleasant story away from the tropical heat. We are not too choosy about the genre either – we love what is known as literary fiction, but your story could as easily belong to the crime / mystery genre, or it may be a tale of horror if you have Edgar Poe in you. In other words, so long as there is a commonly accepted or acceptable interpretation of the theme embedded in the plot, it works for us. However, this contest is not for children’s stories, science fiction, fantasy, young adult, chick lit or similar such.
The contest will be judged by four independent judges, including Clare Wallace, Literary Agent for Darley Anderson.