Pet Flash Fiction Contest


Tuesday, February 28, 2023


Entry Fees


$2.50 for premium members


One winner will receive:

$250 in cash
Promotion across Booksie
A gold contest badge
$15 in ebooks from the Booksie bookstore.

Two runners-up will receive:

$50 in cash
Exposure across Booksie
A silver contest badge.


Dogs, cats, parrots, gerbils, hamsters, iguanas, etc. The list of pets could go on and on. The challenge of this contest is to write a true story about a pet in 300 words or fewer. The story can be funny, silly, scary, sad, or any other adjective as long as it involves a pet. And to make it extra interesting, include a picture of the pet in the story, if you can.

Contact Information

[email protected]


Marketing Coordinator
Amy Chiappiniello


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