Pif Literary Magazine’s 2017 First-Line Writing Contest


Monday, January 30, 2017


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Entry Fees



All submissions will be published in our February issue, and the winning entry will be the first line of a year-long round robin writing contest.

Winning entries will appear in Pif Magazine's annual anthology, which we are doing bigger and better this year than ever before.


Sometimes the most incredible projects are the ones we create together. That’s why this year we are excited to roll out a collaborative writing project to challenge readers and writers. We will select our favorite submissions to appear in a finished project in our end-of-the-year anthology.

If you’ve never heard of a round robin, the gist of it all is a collaborative piece of storytelling. One person starts and then passes it off, like a relay, to the next person. And so on and so forth.

We would like to kick this exercise off with a first line contest. You can use any manner of prose to create a compelling first line on any subject. Sound familiar? It sort of is. If you’ve ever heard of the Bulwer-Lyton Writing Contest, this exercise is made very much in that clever organization’s image. If you haven’t heard of it, you should check it out.

There is no word limit and no topic that’s off limits. Just send in your submission no later than January 28, 2017, and we look forward to seeing what it looks like when a story puts its best foot forward.

Send your submission to [email protected] to enter the running.

Contact Information

Mariah Beckman | Managing Editor | [email protected]



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