Monday, November 15, 2021
Crime/Thriller, Drama, Fantasy, Fiction, General, Horror, Mystery, Romance, Science Fiction
Entry Fees
1st: $75 and episode/interview on podcast
2nd/3rd: Tailored feedback
To celebrate one year of The Short Story Workshop we are holding our own short story competition! The winning story will be featured on the podcast and receive a prize of $75. Two runners-up will receive personalised feedback. The closing date is November 15th 2021.
Story Guidelines
There is a limit of 5,000 words.
Stories can be any genre or style but no erotica or heavy politics.
You may wish to consider that the winning story will be read aloud – some styles work better for this than others.
Stories must not have been previously published professionally. Personal blogs are fine.
Please double-space the document and include the title and your name in the header.
Stories can be in .pdf, .odt or .docx format.