Sunday, November 30, 2014
Entry Fees
$10 (all submissions considered for publication, and all entrants receive our - we promise - great next issue)
$250 and publication for each winner
Poetry Judge: Jen Hofer, poet, translator, book-maker, activist interpreter, educator, and urban cyclist. Hofer’s translation of Mexican poet Myriam Moscona’s Negro Marfil/Ivory Black (2011) received the 2012 Harold Morton Landon Translation Award from the Academy of American Poets and the 2012 PEN Award for Poetry in Translation. Hofer’s recent books include one (2009) and The Route (2008), a collaboration with Patrick Durgin, and other translations include Dolores Dorantes’s sexoPUROsexoVELOZ and Septiembre (2008); lip wolf, a translation of lobo de labio by Laura Solórzano (2007); and Sin puertas visibles: An Anthology of Contemporary Poetry by Mexican Women (2003).
Submit: 1-4 poems, 10 pages maximum. TRANSLATIONS with author permission are WELCOME!
Fiction Judge: Sean Bernard, journal editor, whose first novel, Studies in the Hereafter, will be released by Red Hen Press in summer 2015 and whose collection Desert sonorous won the 2014 Juniper Prize and is forthcoming in February from UMass Press. His chapbook, Nuclear, is out from CutBank Books, and he’s won artist-grants from the NEA, the University of Arizona Poetry Center, and the 2010 Poets & Writers California Writers Exchange Award.
Submit: 1 full story or up to three linked microstories, length up to 7000 words