Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Entry Fees
First Prize: $100 Old as Adam gift certificate and $40 Portsmouth Book & Bar gift certificate
Second Prize: $50 Old as Adam gift certificate and $25 Portsmouth Book & Bar gift certificate
The Provenance Prize is presented to a writer who captures the imagined history of an object in a creative and compelling way.
Antiques are more than just old stuff. They hold stories, often untold, about their origins, about where they’ve gone, about the people who made and owned them. Old things hold unknowable secrets, but their mute mystery is not a wall but a door. The creative power of objects decades or centuries old is accessible to anyone, provided they take a few moments to wonder at the presence of the past held in their hand. The Provenance Prize celebrates the untold stories and imaginative pleasures of antiques.
The current object at the center of the contest is available at this link:
Written submissions should be 500 words or less. Short fiction or poetry is welcome.
Submissions may be anonymous.
Anyone is welcome to write, whether or not they’ve heard of Old as Adam.
Finalists shall be judged anonymously by Old as Adam and Portsmouth Book & Bar customers.
Selected work will be collected and shared publicly after the contest on an ongoing basis.
Submissions can be sent to [email protected] or brought in person to the shop.
Have fun! Whether it be serious, silly, or surreal, all creative work is welcome.
Contact Information
[email protected]
Old as Adam
33 Ceres Street
Portsmouth, NH