Raven Cover Story Contest


Saturday, November 1, 2014


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Entry Fees

$25 (includes 1 year e-book subscription)


$500 and publication as feature author of Issue 6, Spring 2015


Want YOUR NAME in large font on the cover of our Spring 2015 issue? Write a short story of up to 5000 words to go with our cover image, ‘Pesky Summer Jobs’ by Tais Teng. Your story needn’t capture all the elements in this fantastical painting, but should tie in to at least one of the visual or symbolic references. Limited to first one hundred entries, so enter early! Author CC Humphreys will take time from his madcap schedule to judge the finalists, so set your keyboards to ‘impress’ and give him an unforgettable read. (See website for cover illustration.)

Contact Information

[email protected]



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