Tuesday, November 10, 2015
The best three entries will be awarded with a special certificate and prizes and will be suggested for a publication. At the end of January 2016 best authors as well as winners will be invited for participation in the International Conference “Holocaust: Memory and Prevention”. Students – winners and authors of the best papers at the conference – will be invited to make a presentation of their work at the headquarters of UNESCO in Paris in July 2016.
The purpose of the competition is to create an environment for pupils, students and teacher in which they can try to develop an intensified knowledge about the history of the Holocaust. In addition, the competition aims to support participants for creation critical, independent and tolerant thinking in order to increase the awareness of the causes and consequences of racism, chauvinism, nationalism and anti-Semitism.
Who can participate?
– pupils from grades 8 to 12
– students of colleges and universities
– teachers of secondary schools
How can you participate?
It is possible to participate in different ways. Writing a paper in an academic style or creating poems, stories, novels etc. about the topic. Teachers can submit a whole design of a lesson plan for teaching the topic “Holocaust” in school. The following competition entries are possible:
– research papers
– creative writing and beyond (novels, poems, art, documentaries, multi-media projects, websites)
– journalistic writing (Interview, research in private family history)
– design of a lesson plan (only for teachers) – e.g. lesson plans, description of school activities in school or outside
The competition entries are possible in Russian and English language. The dimensions are not limited.
Submitted entries should have attached the completed application, the title of the competition entry, the name of the author and the address of the place of work and/or study. The whole work has to be sent by e-mail to [email protected] or via post directly to the Russian Holocaust Center.
Contact Information
The Russian Research and Educational Holocaust Center
Sadovnicheskaya St. 52/45
115035, Moscow, Russia
Центр “Холокост”
ул. Садовническая, 52/45
115035 Москва
[email protected]