Saturday, May 31, 2014
General, Journalism, Nonfiction, Personal Journals
Entry Fees
We will be presenting 4 prizes for this competition:
Grand Prize Winner - The winning essay will receive a prize of $125 and publication in our online magazine. We will be judging on a number of criteria, including style, subject matter, and literary merit.
Second Place - Our second place winner will receive a prize of $50 and publication.
Third Place - The third place winner will receive a prize of $25.
Runners-Up - We'll also select 1-2 runners up for publication on the site.
Seeks short creative nonfiction writing based on the prompts shared on our website.
What exactly do we mean by “creative nonfiction”? In essence, we want to read true stories told in a literary way. That means we’re open to memoir, personal essays, original journalism, historical essays, or basically any other literary forms that are based in fact. It can be a story about yourself, someone you know, or a subject you’ve researched: the only requirement is a focus on presenting the information beautiful, creative, literary way.
All entries should be based on or connected to one of the creative writing prompts on our site, and should be between 500-1500 words.
You can view our official rules and guidelines on the contest entry page here:
Contact Information
Contact us with any questions by email: editors (at) renengadeword (dot) com.